|2018-01-21 10:15:24广告
(Bekaert)Founded in 1880, headquartered in Belgium is a large multinational companies. 2006, Bekaert in 120 countries have made 3.2 billion euros in sales.Bekaert, in the early 1990s to enter the Chinese market, the deadline for the end of 2006, Bekaert's investment in China has more than 4 billion yuan to become China's most important foreign investment in the company. Currently, the total number of employees in China Bekaert has More than 5000 people! !I think your company is large multinational corporations, strong financial background, and a good and the welfare of future prospects for the development of good! As a graduate, I would like to foreign invested enterprises relied on their own strength to work!I would like to start with the future operation of the work, fulfill their duties, and to be able to appreciate the effort! I want to do a Zhijianyuan, or ordinary members of an administrative section, I think the down-to-earth that is important.
|2018-01-21 10:37:37广告
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